The start of December always puts me in the festive mood. From the houses on my street decorating their homes with lights, to the big Christmas displays down on Bloor, Toronto really comes alive with Christmas fever. And the shopping? We’re entering the biggest shopping season of the year!
But amidst all the festivities, I always find myself at a loss for something. Keeping with family tradition, every year we exchange gifts and cards and each other’s company (and sugar cookies, but I’d keep those all to myself if I could!). The challenge of giving everyone something unique for Christmas gets harder and harder every year, especially when we live in a generation who is constantly in touch with (and working in) the global world via mobile devices.
So why not gift give with an app?
At TCinc this month, we’re really getting festive! We’re releasing a brand new photo app called Kringle Me that lets you spice up your photos with a little Christmas cheer. And we’ve just recently released a new version of Cloud Doodle: Colour and Draw, just in time to make those last minute Christmas postcards and send them off to your loved ones.
Aside from being a lot of fun, these apps let us do something that syncs up with the technological demands of our age; personalize. By personalizing our postcards, greetings, and other shareable content, we’re still able to keep the traditions of the past, but use them on a whole new level. This year, I’m excited to make each and every one of my family members a personalized Christmas card, straight from the Kringle Me photo editor.
Why not get with the trend and personalize your own Christmas cards using Cloud Doodle or Kringle Me?
Check out the apps here!
Cloud Doodle: Colour & Draw
Kringle Me
Happy Holidays everyone!
December 5th, 2013
by Robert Golabek in Technology
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