February 23rd, 2021
What is Replatforming and is your company ready for this next big change?
by Robert Golabek in Microblog
February 23rd, 2021
by Robert Golabek in Microblog
Did you know that replatforming can help you move your applications to the cloud, while still allowing you to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud and reduce your infrastructure costs?
With every company being or becoming a tech company, we are all constantly trying to keep up with the latest advancements as we continue to grow and reduce costs.
Technology changes rapidly and so does the market. Customers are looking for better and more-individualized user experiences. These trends put a strain on your current technology if it’s not up to date. You could add new “upgrades” to your system, but these are only temporary, short-term fixes. Eventually, your business will not be able to keep up with the trends if you continue spending on support for your legacy applications instead of investing in new features and innovations.
One thing you can consider is replatforming. This approach makes your applications cloud-ready and moves them to a cloud-native application platform, which heavily reduces the overall capital costs of your own infrastructure. Moving your applications to the cloud gives you more flexibility to create custom user experiences, and helps you keep up with modern platforms. Whether your company owns tens, hundreds, or even thousands of applications, replatforming can be part of your modernization strategy to move from bare-metal or virtual machines to containerized target environments.
Replatforming can be done gradually by migrating complex legacy applications into new runtime platforms that support cloud-native architecture – it makes minimal changes to the code even as it adapts to the new platform.
How you plan on shifting your future strategies to meet your business objectives depends heavily on the current status of your technology. When your teams already have too much on their plates, updating the architecture might not be feasible. Translucent knows how to tackle “big ball of mud” applications; we work with you and your teams to apply appropriate modernization strategies with state-of-the-art practices and principles. Translucent can help you fully define your current and future requirements, along with identifying comprehensive TCO & ROI for the years to come.
Let us be your partner in navigating through your next big thing. Send us a message today to get started.
February 23rd, 2021
by Robert Golabek in Microblog
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